The Godfather
Found 52 people interested in The Godfather
57, Central Coast, QLD Rock Pop Alternative Big fan of Aussie bands and artists The Godfather Hangover Forest Gump Steak Asian Rugby league AFL Someone with a good sense of humour for friendly chats...
66, Central Coast, NSW
...rk orange '' The silence of the lambs Seven ''The shining ;; The godfather just to start love all types of food and will try just about anything walking weights in the gym swimming...
67, Sydney-West, NSW
...s amazing what graphics can do for the movies these days! I love the Godfather Series also. I enjoy most food. My favourite is Italian, but I have cooked Indian cuisine. I enjoy a great ste...
58, Melbourne-City, VIC and working.. Country Melodies Jazz Opera Novels. The Godfather 1,2,3.. Sci-Fi, Action, Horror, Animation, Adventures, Comedy Sea foods.. Gym Jogging Running Golfing I...
32, Adelaide, SA past especially the movies from the 50's to the 90's, such as The Godfather, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, Rear Window, Rope, 12 Angry Men, Top Gun not to mention a big fan of Nolan's m...
44, Brisbane, QLD
...tsiders, History & True Tales of the Mafia, Eminem Autobiography The Godfather Trilogy, Scarface, Mafia related films & TV shows, 8 Mile, The Dark Knight. Action, thriller, comedy, drama, ho...
36, Brisbane, QLD
...king Bad, Firefly, Rick and Morty The good the bad and the Ugly, The godfather, Goodfellas,Drive, Love old action movies. Gym. Not big on sports, but I will follow along if you tell me whats...
57, Sydney-North, NSW
...n I am on holiday and then nothing in-between Favourite movies. The Godfather, Shrek, High Fidelity, The Godfather 2. When Harry met Sally, Dances with Wolves, Lord of the Rings, the Court ...
41, Melbourne-City, VIC
...e simpsons, two n a half men. Best movie of all time for me is 'The Godfather'. The best dining experience is at home, at least you know what goes into the food doing some gym most days and...
51, Sydney-City, NSW
... looking for a chat going to the gym being a good mum r and b the godfather gym someone who can hold a nice conversation...
42, Alice Springs, NT
... Metal Frederick Forsyth Mario Puzo Sopranos Goodfellas CasinoThe Godfather Trilogy I love food of all kinds especially Italian food, Asian food and bubble tea Jogging, Bike Riding, Rock ...
41, Sydney-West, NSW
...if u want to get to know me just ask hip hop, r&b,dance hitman,the godfather,underbelly, pasta,pizza nearly everything soccer,footy and gym what im looking is a girl who got a soft heart c...
45, Wollongong, NSW
...d Non fiction Horror Movies and thrillers. My two favourites are The Godfather and Stone with Edward Norton I love to cook so cooking at home is a past time Not realy into sport. Someone tha...
41, Melbourne-East, VIC
...outh Park Love thrillers, favourite film of all time though are the godfathers Not fussy at all but if I had to pick it would be Italian or Indian Football--come on you spurs and go pies!!...
51, Far North Queensland, QLD
...o love doing the puzzles in That's Life & Take 5 magazines. Love the Godfather trilogy movies, Mrs Doubtfire, Pretty Woman, a good romance & comedy Italian is my all time favourite food but ...
76, Western District, VIC
...ra, Mario Lanza, Cole Porter, Ravel's Le Valse, etc Biographies, The Godfather, Gone with the Wind, different places and people, Irving Wallance's novels Fraser, Goldern Girls (TV series) ac...
38, Wollongong, NSW
39, Canberra, ACT
...ns - Family Guy - many more. Movies: - The Wizard Of Oz - The Godfather Trilogy - Goodfellas - The Scent Of A Woman - many, many more. I love food and wine. I don't just love eatin...
35, Melbourne-City, VIC
...really watch to much tv or movies but i do like the bre boys and the godfather and sapranos love all food. put it in front of me i will try any thing.cant say a favourite though.i do like ch...
40, Canberra, ACT
...s my limit! anything that i can relate to. I love scar face and the godfather a big kid, so i love the simpsons and family guy. I have way too many shows and movies to name Any...