About me
Just a mildly open minded man looking for a some intelligent
Mature chat. Follow whatever path The stimulation of new conversation My determination to open up new friendship paths
In a slow and meaningful way. Those here I seek There are like ones to find dreams to make. Time to bring the time to a head
Let’s get back give friendship a shake So cmon let’s talk. Give a wonderful take on life. Just a mental thought
Things I like
- Interests:
- Nature .Sport ,Solace and comfort of the outdoors I’m a pure outdoors fitness kind of guy. Just looking for that friendship but
I’ve been burnt. But still willing to try 😊 - Music:
- Any kind that soothes the Moment that brings home the message I seek It’s beautiful people I’m trying to meet
- Reading:
- Not a lot. Like to get outside Read life’s lessons She’s a really good teacher Yep doesn’t mess around just inches you along on her lovely ground. Maybe a Song Right there. Lol
- Movies/TV:
- Ditto as above
- Food/dining:
- Pretty easy going in that direction The company becomes the menu
- Sports/fitness:
- Love my Hawks. AFL style pretty much a define every day my
Fitness routine world
What I'm looking for
- Looking for:
- Friendship
Online chat - Gender:
- Male or female
- Age:
- Between 18 and 99
- Location:
- Can live anywhere
- Description:
- Look up front solid friendship built on honesty That word trust
Just ones who can deliver on a meaning
Bring some open conversation open up with feeling. Let flow what it brings the promise of life’s surprises of Yes. So many things
My details
- Age:
- 66
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Melbourne-West, VIC
- Profile created:
- Over 3 months ago
- Last updated:
- Over 4 weeks ago
- Last online:
- Over 4 weeks ago